

Chemical Product List

All | # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Α Β Γ Ε
There are currently 64 names in this directory beginning with the letter B.
Barium acetate [543-80-6]
Barium carbonate [513-77-9]
Barium chloride 2H2O [10326-27-9]
Barium diphenylaminesulfonate [6211-24-1]
Barium hydroxide 8H2O [12230-71-6]
Barium nitrate [10022-31-8]
Barium standard solution 1,000ppm [7440-39-3]
Barium stearate [6865-35-6]
Barium sulfate [7727-43-7]
Barium titanate(IV) [12047-27-7]
Barozero [64-17-5]
Barozero 65
Barozero 95 [64-17-5]
Bees wax, White [8012-89-3]
Benedict solution
Bentonite [1302-78-9]
Benzaldehyde [100-52-7]
Benzalkonium chloride [8001-54-5]
Benzene [71-43-2]
Benzoic acid [65-85-0]
Benzoin [119-53-9]
Benzophenone [119-61-9]
Benzoyl chloride [98-88-4]
Benzoyl peroxide [94-36-0]
Benzyl acetate [140-11-4]
Benzyl alcohol [100-51-6]
Benzyl bromide [100-39-0]
Benzyl chloride
Benzylamine [100-46-9]
Benzyltrimethylammonium chloride [56-93-9]
Berberine chloride hydrate [141433-60-5]
Beryllium standard solution 1,000ppm [7440-41-7]
Betaine anhydrous [107-43-7]
Biebrich scarlet
Bis(pinacolato)diboron [73183-34-3]
Bismarck Brown [10114-58-6]
Bismuth standard solution 1,000ppm
Bismuth(III) nitrate 5H2O [10035-06-0]
Bismuth(III) oxide [1304-76-3]
Bisphenol A [80-05-7]
Biuret, powder [108-19-0]
Bloocu-stock solution
Blue tetrazolium [1871-22-3]
Boiling stone
Boric acid [10043-35-3]
Boron standard solution 1,000ppm
Boron trioxide [1303-86-2]
Brij® 35 [9002-92-0]
Brilliant Green [633-03-4]
Bromine [7726-95-6]
Bromine water [7726-95-6]
Bromobenzene [108-86-1]
Bromocresol Green [76-60-8]
Bromocresol Green-Methyl Red solution [mixture]
Bromocresol Purple [115-40-2]
Bromoethane [74-96-4]
Bromophenol Blue [115-39-9]
Brucine 2H2O [145428-94-0]
Butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate [94-26-8]
Butyl acetate [123-86-4]
Butyl acrylate [141-32-2]
Butyl methacrylate [97-88-1]
Butylated hydroxytoluene [128-37-0]
Butyric acid [107-92-6]

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